EclectX got its start at TU Wien in Vienna, Austria, with Prof. Dr. Nima Taherinejad at the helm. Recently, we have relocated our headquarters to Institut für Technische Informatik at Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany, where we are affiliated with the Computer Architecture Team (CAT). Our team comprises diverse individuals united in our pursuit of excellence as we research and develop innovative solutions that span multiple disciplines.

Illustration and Inspiration

Our name embodies a fusion of "eclectic" and "eclectus," symbolizing our approach to innovation and diversity. Just as the term "eclectic" suggests a curated selection of the finest ideas and styles, we meticulously craft electronic and computing solutions from a diverse array of inspirations. Our team mirrors this diversity, bringing together individuals from varied backgrounds and cultures, each contributing their unique expertise.

The Eclectus parrot, native to the Maluku islands, serves as our mascot. Known for their intelligence and vibrant personalities, these birds exemplify our values of intelligence, vibrancy, and social connection. Just like the male and female Eclectus birds boast a spectrum of stunning colors, our team celebrates the richness of perspectives and talents that each member brings.

The capitalized X in our logo not only phonetically suggests "eclectics" but also represents our pursuit of excellence and our commitment to cross-disciplinary collaboration. Just as the Eclectus birds soar freely, symbolizing ambition and innovation, we strive to push boundaries and foster a spirit of exploration in all that we do.

Currently our activities revolve around the following domains:

In-Memory Computing

is an emerging paradigm that aims to alleviate the von Neumann bottleneck (i.e., the energy and delay associated with data movement between processor and memory) by processing the data near or in the memory. Emerging memory technologies (such as memristors) can improve the systems further.

Approximate computing

Approximate computing is an emerging paradigm in which the embedded inaccuracies (e.g., sensor readings) or error resiliency (e.g., in image processing or neural networks) are exploited to trade-off accurate computing with approximate one in return for improved speed, energy efficiency, area or cost.

Healthcare Systems

Healthcare systems are cyber-physical systems that can be used to monitor biological signals. It is exciting to explore what can be done beyond using them for monitoring the physical status of subjects, and how these findings (e.g., stress) can improve the quality of life, work, and their balance. Our activities beyond wearables include other healthcare systems such as those for sleep studies.

Embedded Systems

A key distinction of embedded systems, whether on chip (Systems on Chip or SoC) or on board, is the limited resources available to them. Therefore, a key research focus in this area is improving their resource utilization. This challenge becomes more exciting, when you add cyber-physical aspects. Those are cyber systems that interact with the physical world through their sensors an actuators.